
Welcome to the website of the Institute of Construction Testing, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology

What do we do?

We research and develop diagnostic and testing methods, as well as diagnostics of structures and testing of building materials and products.

An essential part of our work is research, development and real application of diagnostic and testing methods for the implementation of structural and material surveys of structural elements and units of existing building structures (especially reinforced concrete and masonry, including bridges), with the aim of objective assessment of the current state of the structure, identification of causes of failures and defects with the design of construction measures to ensure the required reliability, safety and durability of buildings. The laboratory facilities of the institute allow for solving a wide range of research tasks, e.g., in the field of experimental analysis of structural elements, parts, and models of building structures, as well as protection against ionizing radiation.

Other activities include organizing inter-laboratory comparative tests, so-called proficiency testing. Proficiency testing is accredited by the CIA and is provided in the construction testing of fresh and hardened concrete, aggregates, soils, uncemented mixtures and mixtures cemented with hydraulic binders, mortars, types of cement, fine-grained cement composites, masonry elements, steel, and plastics. The Construction Testing Institute offers one of the largest and most comprehensive range of construction testing programs in the world.


  • Mechanical and hydraulic test presses, including tearing machines and breaking tracks for testing larger elements. Hydraulic press kits for laboratory and field load testing.
  • Air-conditioned chamber with a set of presses of own design for testing the rheological properties of cement composites.
  • Hardness testers for testing concrete, brick, mortar and steel.
  • Instruments for ultrasonic and resonance testing.
  • Boroscopes for endoscopic visual defectoscopy.
  • Equipment for strain gauge measurements with string and resistance transducers, as well as a video extensometer. Measuring switchboards and equipment for automatic recording of measurements of force, strain and temperature quantities in laboratory and field tests.
  • Core drills for sampling (including microdrills).
  • Equipment for radiation defectoscopy and protection against ionising radiation, including calculations and inspections of shielding structures, etc. (X-rays, radiometric probes, dose and photon dose equivalent power meters).
  • Georadar for X – scan PS 1000 structural diagnostics.

What we offer

  • Comprehensive structural engineering surveys and diagnostics of structures using a wide range of non-destructive methods.
  • Monitoring of masonry structures.
  • Load testing of structures and structural elements, components and structural models.
  • Laboratory testing of physical and mechanical properties of concretes, cement composites, mortars, grouting mixes, bricks, timber, steel, prestressing reinforcement, anchoring systems, surface layers, etc. Laboratory testing of fracture parameters of construction materials.
  • Radiography of reinforced concrete structures and experimental radiography.
  • Radiometric measurement of bulk mass and moisture content.
  • Design, calculation and control of shielding against ionizing radiation.
  • For testing laboratories, participation in proficiency testing programmes.
  • In accordance with the requirement of Annex 1 of MPA 30-03-12, we offer evaluation of internal comparison tests and inter-laboratory comparison tests organized by the laboratories among themselves. More information can be found here.
  • Advice and consultation on quality, environmental and safety management in companies and testing laboratories, cooperation in the certification of management systems.
  • Training centre for NDT testing methods in the construction industry – personnel certificate accredited by CIA – cooperation with CERT-ACO Ltd (P3028). More information can be found here.
  • Opportunity to present the results of science and research, practice, products and companies at the professional conference Testing and Quality in Construction.


  • 4G consite s.r.o.
  • Ateliér WIK, s.r.o.
  • Báňské projekty Teplice a.s.
  • BASF Stavební hmoty Česká republika s.r.o
  • BETOTECH, s.r.o.
  • Cement Hranice, a.s.
  • ČEZ, a.s.
  • GEOSTAR, spol. s r.o.
  • GEOtest Brno, a.s.
  • INSET s.r.o.
  • Institut pro testování a certifikaci, a.s.
  • JKV TEST s.r.o.
  • Keller – speciální zakládání, spol. s r.o.
  • KOLEJCONSULT & servis, spol. s r.o.
  • Kovoprojekta Brno a.s.
  • Lafarge Cement, a.s.
  • LAPO zkušební laboratoř s.r.o.
  • M.I.S. a.s.
  • Mostní a silniční, s.r.o.
  • Mostní vývoj, s.r.o.
  • OHL ŽS, a.s.
  • Pontex, spol. s r.o.
  • Pražské silniční a vodohospodářské stavby, a.s.
  • QUALIFORM, a.s.
  • SARON KAT s.r.o.
  • Skanska Servis a.s.
  • SQZ, s.r.o.
  • Stráský, Hustý a partneři s.r.o.
  • Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s.p.
  • TESTAV – LAB s.r.o.
  • TPA ČR,s.r.o.
  • TSI System, s.r.o.
  • Zkušebna kamene a kameniva, s.r.o.
  • Znalci a odhadci – znalecký ústav, spol. s r.o.
  • ŽPSV a.s.